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Transferring ownership

Transferring ownership

An administrator of an organization may transfer ownership of components between users and organizations. The organization has to be the owner of the component and it can't be published. Also, when transferring systems, all components in the system needs to be available for the recipient.


If you want to transfer a component that is used in a system, you will get a warning message saying that it cannot be transferred since it's used in a system. This can be fixed by making a clone of the component and transferring the clone instead of the original.

The first step is to copy the GUID number of the organization you want to transfer the component to. This can be done by going to the organizations administration page and pressing the Copy Organization ID button.

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In the administration page, press the Copy Organization ID icon.

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Transfer of ownership can then be done by clicking the three dots next to the save button in the component (or system) editor and choosing Transfer.

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In the popup-window, enter the GUID that was copied before, and the title of the component to confirm. Then press Submit.

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Next, the transfer needs to be accepted in the receiving organization. This is done from the notification page. While the transfer is pending it can be cancelled from either the sending or receiving organization by an administrator. This is also done from the notification page.

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