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Hokuyo UAM driver

This driver emulates the behavior of a Hokuyo UAM laser scanner. When running, the instance will start listening on a port (specified with parameter) for connections, and then respond with the appropriate data for the received commands.


When using this driver, it is important that the configured IP exists in the network configuration, either as the single ip address, or as an alias.


Aside from the common parameters described in the communication_driver docs, this driver includes:

  • ip: Ip address to listen for commands on. Default = ""
  • port: Port to listen for commands on. Default = 10940
  • transmit_interval: Time in seconds to detect connection loss. Default = 0.03s.
  • data_size: Number of rays. Default: 1080

Setup data

    "parameters": {
        "rpi": 0,
        "port": 10376,
        "ip": "",
        "transmit_interval": 0.03,
        "data_size": 1080
    "0_134": {
        "datatype": "int",
        "size": 135,
        "operation": "write"
    "135_269": {
        "datatype": "int",
        "size": 135,
        "operation": "write"
    "270_404": {
        "datatype": "int",
        "size": 135,
        "operation": "write"


The setup_params in the generic PLC components for hokuyo_uam will need the following format:

{"rpi": 0, "port": 10376, "ip": "", "transmit_interval": 0.03, "data_size": 1080}