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Rosbridge driver

This driver uses the rosbridge_suite with the python client (roslibpy ↪) to allow topic publishing and subscribing in a running ROS device.


The host needs to run the rosbridge websocket server. Installation instructions can be found at ↪.


Aside from the common parameters described in the communication_driver docs, this driver includes:

  • host: ROS host name. Default = localhost
  • port: Port assigned to ros_bridge. Default = 9090

Setup data

The setup data will give values to the parameters required and will specify the topics info. Variables with operation = write will be configured as publishers, while variables with operation = read are subscribers.

    "parameters": {
        "host": "",
        "port": 9090,
    "variables": {
        "publisher_00": {
            "datatype": "word", 
            "size": 1,
            "operation": "write"
        "subscriber_00": {
            "datatype": "word", 
            "size": 1, 
            "operation": "read"


The setup_params in the generic PLC components for rosbridge will need the following format:

{"host": "", "port": 9090}