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Roboguide driver

This driver allows the communication between Simumatik and Fanuc Roboguide to connect to exchange I/O variables and axis values.


Aside from the common parameters described in the communication_driver docs, this driver includes:

  • hostname: This parameter is used to define where the Roboguide instance is running. Default = ""
  • port: This parameter can be used to specify which port to use. Default: None
  • motion_group: This parameter is used to select the motion group number.

Setup data

    "parameters": {
        "hostname": "",
        "port": "60008",
        "motion_group": "1",
    "variables": {
        "Axis": {
            "datatype": "float",
            "size": 6,
            "operation": "read",
        "inputs": {
            "datatype": "byte",
            "size": 1,
            "operation": "write",
        "outputs": {
            "datatype": "byte",
            "size": 1,
            "operation": "read",


The setup_params in the generic PLC components for fanuc_roboguide will need the following format:

{"hostname": "", "port": "60008","motion_group": "1"}