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SQLite3 driver

Driver that can read and write on an SQLite3 database table. The table should include at least two TEXT columns including the name and value of the variables. The value in TEXT format will be converted by the driver to the defined datatype.


Aside from the common parameters described in the communication_driver docs, this driver includes:

  • address: This is the path of the database. Default = "mydb.db"
  • table: This is the name of the database table where the variables are located. Default = "variables"
  • variable_column: This is the name of the column which includes the variable names. Default = "name"
  • value_column: This is the name of the column which includes the variable values. Default = "value"

Setup data

The setup data will give values to the parameters required and will specify the I/O variables info.

    "parameters": {
        "address": "C:\\TEMP\\mydb.db",
        "table": "variables",
        "variable_column": "name",
        "value_column": "value",
    "variables": {
        "inputs": {
            "datatype": "byte", 
            "size": 1,
            "operation": "write"
        "outputs": {
            "datatype": "byte", 
            "size": 1, 
            "operation": "read"


The setup_params in the generic PLC components for sqlite3_conn will need the following format:

{"address": "C:\\TEMP\\mydb.db", "table": "variables", "variable_column": "name", "value_column": "value"}